Hi Cendrine! Welcome to Sab The Book Eater! I’m Sab.
Hello Sab! Thank you for having me on your blog!
Can I just say, this is a first for me! I’ve only interviewed fiction writers in the past so this is a fun first on the blog.
I hope I will not disappoint. ;-)
To start, tell us five quick facts about yourself.
I am a French-born Canadian photographer, poet, author, and French instructor.
I love crossword puzzles.
Kahlil Gibran’s “The Prophet” is my personal Bible.
My musical tastes have not changed much since my teens -- Genesis, Abba, Depeche Mode, Supertramp, Mike Oldfield…
I love silence. It can actually be quite noisy if you pay attention.
Now on to the books! How did it all start? What inspired you to dive into photography and poetry?
I started writing poems out of the blue in 2005. Photography is a more recent endeavor. I practiced for four years before being confident enough to call myself a photographer, in 2014.
The world is my oyster, really. Everything I see inspires me to write or take photos.
I released my first books in 2006, after friends encouraged me to do so. Our winters are very cold in my part of the world (Winnipeg, Canada), so we tend to avoid going out too much. Working on books and other projects is a great way to keep myself busy and motivated.
I’ve always wondered if authors play favorites on their books the way readers do. Do you? Which book was the most fun to create?
Are you asking me to choose my favorite among my children? ;-)
Joke aside, my answer is no. I love all the books I have released equally, no matter how successful or unsuccessful they have been.
‘Life’s Little Things: The Quote’ (https://www.cendrinemedia.com/Lifes-Little-Things-The-Quotes-Book) is at the top of my most fun books to create, though. I had a great time putting it together. Mixed-media projects like this one (photography and quotes) always work well.
On the flip side, which book gave you a bit of a harder time?
‘In the Silence of Words’, my play, which I wrote in 2007. It was my most personal project. I broach a few topics that make a majority of people uncomfortable. I was not sure how others would react to it. That is the reason why it took me so long to release it.
In the Silence of Words is a three-act play. What was the writing process like for this one?
A play is a complex thing. First, I read many articles and books on the art of playwriting. Then, I spent a big chunk of time researching names and their meanings. I also did a study of movement to understand how it could impact readers / spectators (if I ever direct the play).
When the above was done, I wrote a quick summary of the play and started working on the play itself. I was done after a few months.
Is there any other genre you wish to explore?
I have explored quite a few genres: poetry, photography, theatre, and spoken word. I also wrote a few short stories and started a novel. I have no patience for longer genres. I don’t like writing detailed descriptions and scenes.
About Cendrine
Cendrine Marrouat (pronunciation: “san-drEEn mar-wah”) is a photographer, poet, author, and French instructor. Originally from Toulouse, France, she has called Winnipeg, Canada, her home for 16 years.
Cendrine specializes in nature, black-and-white and closeup images. Her photography seeks the mundane to capture the fleeting, but true beauty of life in its many forms.
Cendrine is passionate about haiku. She has studied the Japanese poetry form extensively and written many pieces since 2006.
In 2015, Cendrine was recognized a Top 100 Business Blogger by BuzzHUMM. Social Media Slant also made Fit Small Business' Best Small Business Blogs of 2015 & 2016 lists.
Walks: A Collection of Haiku (Volume 1) is Cendrine’s 12th book. Other releases include five collections of poetry, three photography books, a play, two social media ebooks, and a spoken word CD.
Sortons des chemins battus (2006)
And They All Rejoiced! Soul-Stirring Poetry (2006)
Short Poetry for Those Who Fear Death (2006)
Project: Heartbeats and Elevation (2009)
Five Years And Counting. A Journey into the Mind of Soul Poetry (2010)
Social media:
The Little Big eBook on Blogging: 40 Traffic Generation Tips (2012)
The Little Big eBook on Social Media Audiences: Build Yours, Keep It, and Win (2014)
When the Mind Travels: A Poetic Journey into Photography (2015)
Life’s Little Things - Les petites choses de la vie (2016)
Life’s Little Things: The Quotes (2017)
In the Silence of Words: A Three-Act Play (2018)
Rizen (2010) - Spoken word
Link to all books: https://www.cendrinemedia.com/Books
Connect with Cendrine
Phone number: +1 204 997 0948 (6-8 p.m. CT) | Skype ID: cendrinemedia