But who am I kidding? March doesn't mean more books. The whole year means you get to stack up your already stacked up shelves! That's just the way booknerds roll.
One thing I noticed about my book buying habit though is: it's getting harder and harder to stop buying books on a whim. I tell myself, I've been dying to have this one! And often times, it's true. The question is though: do I even have time right now to read this?
Honestly —
I don't.
No regrets though! *cackles*
(I'm sure my 25 year old self is doing the facepalm right now somewhere)
Here we are again with a book haul post, folks! I'm pretty psyched to share last month's buys because a lot of them have been on my wishlist for so long. I can't remember what took me so long to get them but one day I just decided I would buy them. Or maybe I had a hard day at work so my book buying is justified. Take a look!
The February 27th purchases I forgot to include in the previous book haul post. A little background on this: I bought Forbidden without thinking twice because it was rare to find a copy in the bookstore I frequented. I took it as a sign from the book gods when I saw it incorrectly placed in the young adult historical fiction shelf. LOL I bought All The Bright Places and My Heart and Other Black Holes on the same day but in different places. I called in the request for the latter while I was still in my usual bookstore because I was going to have dinner somewhere near the other branch anyways. When I got there, the girl behind the counter smiled at me the moment I asked if they had the book reserved. She was like, "Oh good, we didn't get a chance to get your number from the other bookstore." I don't know. I just found the experience sort of cool. *shrugs*
All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven from Fully Booked Fort
My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga from Fully Booked Eastwood
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma from Fully Booked Fort
The Imma-Show-My-Support Haul. Frankie (title's too long so that's what I call it LOL) for a book signing I was not able to attend at the very last minute (sigh). Noggin is a book I was very excited to see in paperback form. I immediately grabbed it from the shelf and went straight to checkout. My friend, Dianne of Oops! I Read A Book Again, loves this so so SO much. I bought it just for that reason. I'm such a good friend. (insert Gretchen Weiners gif here) The Andrew Smith books were bought when the bullying issue spread. I wanted to show support for the author so I bought his books.
Side note: You may check out my Dianne's recap of the event HERE. You might just win a signed copy of an E.Lockhart book!
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart from Powerbooks Serendra
Noggin by John Corey Whaley from Fully Booked Fort
Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith from Fully Booked Fort
The Alex Crow by Andrew Smith from Fully Booked Fort
The contemporary book haul. In an attempt to buff up my contemporary collection, I decided to pick these up. I'm mostly excited about Since You've Been Gone and Two Boys Kissing because I've been waiting forever for paperback copies. (aren't they just the prettiest?!) They're UK editions though so it'll be a little tougher to fit them in my puzzle-looking shelf. Heck, these books are all just about the same size.
All from Fully Booked Fort
No, I Didn't Read This in Higschool. My school didn't have a ton of required reading. In fact, I don't recall being required to read anything apart from literature by Jose Rizal (our national hero) for our Filipino classes. That's just sad, man.
From Fully Booked Fort
Women I Love. This year, I vowed to try more books outside my usual genres. I specifically wanted more non-fiction, mostly from women I look up to. I started with Malala's book and I'm continuing with these two. I've been listening to Yes Please on Audible for some weeks now and I'm loving it. I can't wait to finish the rest of the book!
Both from Fully Booked Fort
That's about it. I will try my best to be better this month... better at not buying books. *fingers crossed* (but we all know how that's gonna end up hahaha)
Share your book hauls below and I'll check them out! I ~love~ book haul posts!